The Corona Crusher Campaign extends their existing ‘Protect Our Beaches’ platform while on-premise in a relevant and impactful way by engaging and recruiting the next generation of Corona consumers to inspire and fuel their passion for recycling. Our goal was to provide accounts with a premium and unique on-premise program to drive traffic and increase purchase conversion of Corona while helping to protect our beaches and preserve the environment.
Our team of Field Managers and Brand Ambassadors were able to set up a large beach backdrop at each account flanked by palm trees creating a welcoming environment with branded banners to encourage participation and support for the cause. The team distributed plantable coasters that grow into wildflowers and set up “Sand Bar”’ stations for customers to create personalized and sustainable, mini-glass Corona bottles filled with sand as a custom art keepsake that they could take with them to share their recycling story and contribution in protecting our environment. At the end of the program, we were able to donate 363 lbs. full weight of converted sand to Strategic Materials Inc. which recycles the sand into new glass bottles.